BFM.RU: Around Paveletskaya. New Features of the Beloved District

PIONEER is the property developer that largely determines the evolution of the area between the Garden Ring and the Moskva River embankment in the Paveletsky business cluster. Together with the architectural bureau ADM, which developed the concept for the premium residential estate HIGH LIFE on Letnikovskaya Street, and Tsimailo Lyashenko & Partners, which created the concept for the OPUS project on Derbenyevskaya Street, PIONEER is bringing new features to the external appearance of the area.

In a special project by PIONEER and BFM.RU magazine, we talk about our projects and the advantages of the location.

“Imagine six ultra-modern, sun-sparkling buildings from 24 to 47 storeys high: hardly the tallest in the district, with innovative façades, panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows and glass bay windows, unusual, light, as if ready to fly above the never-sleeping Moscow, where towers are expression and energy centres of life in the metropolis. That’s the premium HIGH LIFE as it was conceived and as it already proudly rises above the Paveletskaya location.

And very close by, the OPUS club residence, inspired by the water element is sprouting — softly stepped, delicately calibrated, flowing with its white-matte volume along the Moskva River, looking into it with all its windows, offering to join the game of reflections.

“Music, having sounded over the water, freezes in stone. This is how OPUS is born,” PIONEER explains. And that’s exactly what is reflected in the architectural intent of OPUS.”

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